
I am a simple German dude who was born in the 80s of the last century. In this blog I write about financial unicornism and financial topics in general.

In my early life, I was a worker, an employee, a scientist, a teacher and at times even a salesman. I have lived more than 10 years abroad, mainly in France, Belgium and the UK. In the 00s, I finished my Masters degree and in the 10s my PhD. Since then, I am working in different industries as one of the IT-guys.

During my short life I have seen bancruptcies and what they do to people and their families, I have seen people living in poverty as well as rich people that could not deal with their wealth. All have seen money as a burden instead of an opportunity to be free.

The craziest thing is that usually the people with the highest incomes and the biggest wealth complain the most about money. Well, no wonder if you buy stuff that you do not need and if you define your self-worth by your monetary possessions. That is a certain way to unhappiness.

When my daughter was born I wanted to leave her something behind besides money that she can use in her life to stay free from financial worries. But I figured, why just writing a secret blog or book for just one person if many more people might profit from this knowledge. And this is how the financial unicorns club was born.

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