your path to financial freedom
A blog about financial unicorns, a club?
Where did I end up? – is maybe something you might now ask yourself.
It is all not that difficult. This blog is about finances. We will go together on a the journey of becoming a financial unicorn which means understanding money and everything it entails. You will learn how much money you spend, how much money you earn. The difference between investing, active income and passive income. You will also learn how easy it is to be in control of your finances and hence your own life.
But let us start with the beginning. Understanding your own finances will give you the chance to take your life in your own hands. You are not driven anymore by circumstances but can decide yourself what you want to do, what you dont want to do. There is a monthly phone bill? Of course there is and you already accounted for that. Or maybe you realized that you dont need a phone anymore but a prepaid card is just fine that you can buy when you really need it. As a result of thinking and being in control of your finances, you will become financially independent. To do so, all you have to do is following my thoughts stated in these blog articles and you can use my advice as guide through your daily life. I am the real life example that you are looking for, a financial unicorn.
And why financial unicorn? Well it s obvious, there is not many people that understand finances and most people dont even understand how much money they make every month. And this, by the way, does not exclude people working in the financial industry. Already early on your path of becoming yourself a financial unicorn, you will realize that people around you are quite stupid. Most people neither really know how much money they earn, nor do they know how much money they spend. They are just living from paycheck to paycheck, not because they have to but because they are brainless consumers that dont want to think about finances. That is also where the term unicorn comes from. There is barely anybody who wants to think about their finances. But if you want to do and invest some time in learning the do’s and dont’s of the way of the unicorn, you will soon be a financial unicorn yourself.
As a first step you can simple read the blog posts here and share your thoughts on the articles.